I Co-Founded Seva in 1978. This month, I retired.

Photo: Suzanne Gilbert conducting the Nepal Blindness Survey in 1980.

Seeing the Possible in the Impossible 

My name is Suzanne Gilbert. For the last 45 years, I’ve had the most rewarding job in the world, with the most remarkable  people, at the most resilient organization: the Seva Foundation.

I’ve been with Seva…well, before it was even called Seva! Over the years, I’ve worn many hats, from Co-Founder to volunteer to Executive Director, Program Director, and in recent years as Senior Director of Research. This month, I’ll be retiring from the organization.

As I wind down these last few weeks, I’ve dug through the archives, recalling touching Seva stories and the people behind them. Seva’s stellar Communications Team asked if I’d share some of my journey with you. 

What did five decades in public health teach me? Well, beyond dancing back-up for Wavy Gravy (true story!),  it really boils down to this: learning how to see the possible in the impossible. 

In the late 70s, when we first told people our aim to eliminate avoidable blindness, they thought we were nuts. “You can’t do it, that’s not going to happen, is that even a problem?” Some just asked “how?” And to be honest, we hadn’t gotten that far in our plan yet. We just had this vision, first steps, kept going, and attracted colleagues who shared our same goal.

Building and scaling  self-sustaining eye care programs worldwide is no small feat. What’s stood resolute across five decades is Seva’s firm commitment to compassion, science and service – individually great, but combined? Potent to create lasting change. Today, Seva has grown into a leading authority in public health, tens of thousands of supporters strong, and 57 million people served across over 20 countries.

I’m heartened with all we’ve achieved together – but it’s behind the scenes where some of my favorite memories are, and where the “Seva magic” often happens: talks late into the night to truly hear each other, experiencing the ground realities of partners around the world, and the unexpected surprises along the way (turns out there’s a lot of them in public health!). Hope you enjoy these few memories.

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I’ll Take Seva Trivia for 1,000, Ken.

Photo of Savitri Joshi by Joe Raffanti.

Get your buzzer finger ready as we play a game of Seva trivia. With 45-plus years, 20 countries, and 57 million people served, we’ve got some history! Test your arcane knowledge in our quiz on the programs, solutions, and people that help make the joy of transforming lives by restoring sight possible. 

Ready? Let’s get to it.

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Clearing the Path to Higher Ground

Mr. Ram Prasad Kandel talking with patients after their cataract surgeries.

Ram Prasad Kandel Retires After 25 Years of Caring Service

It’s not hyperbole to say there ain’t no mountain high enough to deter Seva’s Nepal Program Director, Ram Prasad Kandel. For the past 25-plus years, he’s been on the road with Seva, traversing hilly terrain and rough roads in Nepal, India, and Cambodia to support eye camps, establish Vision Centers, and connect with the people who come seeking help.

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Welcome Dr. Binita Sharma

Seva is pleased to officially welcome Dr. Binita Sharma to the staff as the Country Director in Nepal. 

Dr. Sharma transitioned from Seva Foundation’s clinical advisor for programs in Nepal to the Country Director, picking up where Ram Prasad Kandel left off.

Dr. Sharma was the Chief Medical Director at Kirtipur Eye Hospital for three years; she has been working as an ophthalmologist for the last 10 years, with a fellowship in Cornea and a special interest in community ophthalmology. Working both at a clinical and academic level, she is at the forefront of eye care and health in Nepal. With a strong passion for community and communication, Dr. Binita works to bring eye health to those most in need.  

She enjoys interacting with people,  and she’s a firm believer that communication and teamwork is the key to an effective outcome in any field.

“I believe it is in the heart of the community that we need to reach – where there are patients who do not realize that their blinding condition is treatable”

New Vision Centers: Mobilizing Towards Eye Health Equity

Last year, Seva and partners established 30 new vision centers across Bangladesh, Guatemala, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, and the United States. Of these, we are thrilled to share that 26 have been inaugurated.

Vision Center inaugurations are attended by local leaders who introduce the eye professionals and paraprofessionals to the people they serve. By doing so, they build trust and promote the importance of proper eye care. It also helps to normalize eye care throughout the region and spread the word that treatment and care are now accessible.

MODO does more to bring eye care to all! 

MODO, an international eyewear company, has been vital to helping Seva increase access to eye care globally. In 2018, Seva made a commitment to screen one million children and provide all necessary follow-up care by December 2020. This undertaking was supported by Seva’s corporate partner, MODO, and other Seva supporters. 

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Start-ups aren’t the only ones disrupting old patterns …

Photo: Pristine 5.0 Retinal Camera (formerly Vistaro) in action.

When you think of “disruptive and revolutionary tech,” what comes to mind?

Major companies, start-ups, a laboratory on the brink of discovery – but what about nonprofits?

You read that right, nonprofits. We know nonprofits don’t often come top of mind as being “disruptive,” but we’re here to paint a new picture. Compassion has always been an important driver of innovation at Seva.

At Seva, we invest in a suite of cutting-edge and revolutionary technologies to create a world free of avoidable blindness. Leveraging millions of data points, four decades of experience, and a network of leading public health experts, engineers, and physicians, our best-in-class tech solutions revolutionize the way eye care is delivered worldwide.

“We operate at the scale of a major corporation and the nimbleness of a start-up. Straddling this balance is disrupting the future of ophthalmology and public health – for good”.

– Kate Moynihan, Executive Director, Seva Foundation.

This is the new frontier of compassion driven eye care tech that you support:

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