Seva has been selected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to participate in the Total Product Life Cycle Advisory Program (TAP) Pilot, becoming one of the first organizations to join the program’s expansion into ophthalmic devices in 2025.
Photo of a Pristine 5.0 retina camera in Ukraine donated by Seva.
Since 2017, Seva has worked in Ukraine to address critical eye health needs, including preventing Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) in children – the leading cause of blindness among Ukrainian children – and treating CMV retinitis in patients with HIV/AIDS.
Technology allows us to look inequity in the eye and level the playing field. When combined with compassion, it transforms the lives of people thousands of miles away with a simple click of a button.
Sadly, vision impairment continues to rob millions of people every year of a promising future. At Seva we know that this is a solvable public health crisis. 90% of all vision loss is preventable and treatable. Our research validates that investing in eye health improves overall wellbeing, community participation, and economic outlook for families.