Join us on the Flight for Sight!

Bangladesh Boys

From the Himalayan mountains to the Amazonian rainforests of Peru, Seva delivers vital eye care to 20+ countries. So pack your virtual bags, and take a trip with us right from your screens to witness the beauty you create in this world. 

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First Stop 

Since 2006, Seva has worked in Bangladesh to deliver vital eye care, treatment, and resources for those in remote communities. Here, the rate of blindness is nearly 3X that of the United States. Access to eye care is everything

Earlier this year, we set out to raise funds for 7 new Vision Centers (VC) across the country, matched by a generous family – and we achieved it, together! These new VCs, currently in development, will create immediate access to eye care for 700,000 people in remote areas and will address up to 80% of all of their eye care needs!

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Take a beat & take this quiz!

Photo of Pablito from Guatemala by Rebecca Gaal.

And we’re back…with another Seva Quiz! Ever wonder about the people, places, and solutions that guide our work? Well, look no further! We asked our team, dug our archives, and have a brand new & fun game of trivia to see how well you know the magic that makes Seva possible.

Take it now & you may even learn something new!

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Celebrating a Remarkable Woman with an Unbreakable Spirit

The only thing we love more than restoring sight is…

CELEBRATING restored sight.

We recently celebrated the resilient and brave Thamma Nagamani from India, a remarkable woman with an unbreakable spirit.

Not too long ago, Thamma tragically lost her husband from suicide after his crops were destroyed. Her heart was shattered and her life was put at a standstill; she was left with no other option but to rebuild her future, from scratch. And that’s exactly what she did.

At the same time, Thamma’s vision was deteriorating. She had trouble completing her daily tasks.

Our field staff took her to our partner hospital, where she was diagnosed with cataract and received a sight-restoring surgery. Thamma’s life today? Bright! She spends her day looking after her family and even runs her own business.

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Pat Haley: Celebrating the power of our remarkable Seva community!

Our Seva family continues to grow by the day, reaching every corner of the world. We recently heard from one inspiring supporter, Pat Haley, about his connection to our mission and why he chooses to support Seva – we had to share his uplifting message with you!

Pat has a remarkable career helping children living with special needs as a teacher, school administrator, project director, and grant writer. A few years ago, things changed. His vision began to deteriorate, and he required cataract surgery to restore his sight. 

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