As a public health organization that has been active for over 40 years in 20+ countries, Seva has amassed a great deal of information pertaining to the safe and effective delivery of eye care. To bring this knowledge to the forefront, Seva recently sponsored the Lancet Commission Report on Global Eye Health and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness’ Vision Atlas. This groundbreaking new report and research tool provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of eye care and a roadmap for how to proceed in creating a world free of avoidable blindness.
A few key findings from the Lancet report include:

Suzanne Gilbert, Seva’s Senior Director of Research & Strategic Opportunities, was a key contributor to the Lancet Report!
The research findings resoundingly confirm the importance of the work we are doing to transform lives by restoring sight – and it gives us specific insight into areas where we can dive deeper. Armed with this new data, we plan to continue accelerating our reach to underserved communities in low and middle-income countries, specifically focusing on access to eye care for women and girls. Additionally, we plan to continue expanding access to patient screening through our partners, clinics, and eye camps, helping catch vision problems as early as possible.