This is a historic moment for Seva, the eye care landscape, and the global development arena.
Seva’s groundbreaking new report, developed alongside Harvard economist Brad Wong, proves investment in eye health is one of the most cost-effective interventions to generate benefits across society.
If you spend a few moments with a Seva staff member or partner, you will understand why this organization stands as a unique voice in the development and social justice arena. Why is it unique? Firstly, Seva’s longstanding commitment to world-class science and, secondly, our unwavering dedication to true human compassion set us apart.
I share this as a precursor to why we emphasize the impact of our work. It’s because the quality and safety of each person are as important as the eye care itself. We are not alone in our quest to uplift human dignity. The United Nations tracks progress and has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. Dr. Mariano Yee and I recently attended the United Nations General Assembly, joining Ministers of Health, the International Labor Organization, the World Health Organization, and fellow civil society service providers.
At the tender age of 11, Pisey is already studying the Khmer language and learning to write in its formal, more difficult form. But she doesn’t stop there; she also draws pictures to accompany her writing. So it was surprising when Pisey’s mom, Dai Vanneth, observed that something was amiss with Pisey’s eyes; they watered while she slept.
Wavy Gravy and a few hundred friends are in the building!
Taj Mahal and Maria Muldaur. Photo by Bob Minkin
They came in plaid. They came in voluminous pants and retina-searing tie dye, often as one outfit. They convened to celebrate a man known for his Woodstock quote but famous for his huge heart. Wavy Gravy’s birthday concert benefiting Seva was a good old-fashioned lovefest, brimming with soul. And bubbles.
Yep, and a popular fundraiser for Seva returns in person!
It was raining in Portland, OR, but the Balaji Temple was aglow with partygoers wearing traditional Indian colors: saffron yellows, scarlets, and magentas. Onstage was Indian-American singing group Soor Aur Saptak (SAS) holding its 12th annual concert benefiting Seva.
It’s 1978 in Michigan. A clown, a guru, and a doctor walk into a cabin. The clown says, “What I have in mind is eye care for 400,000.” The guru says “See here now.” The doctor says, “Brilliant. We can do that.”
A Seva-supported Vision Center in Madhya Pradesh, India in collaboration with our partner hospital Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya (SNC).
From education to eyeglasses, from cataract surgery to cameras that diagnose, your support has helped people around the world. Thanks to you, Seva has provided vital eye care services to 57 million people in the world, including more than 6.5 million people in the last year alone. Seva’s vision is a world in which no one lives with avoidable blindness.
They’re smart. They’re original. They’re invested in others.
Meet the inaugural Seva Squad, young artists and activists eager to make the world a better place. From stories that explore not only vision problems but the stigma that can come with it, to video and photo streams, these projects reflect the talent and compassion of their creators.
As a global public health organization, we experience all sorts of obstacles in our pursuit of bringing equitable eye care to communities where it is most needed: geographic isolation, economic insecurity, and even war, to name a few. With your support, we work to overcome these barriers – and travel that last mile.