Wavy Gravy and a few hundred friends are in the building!

Taj Mahal and Maria Muldaur. Photo by Bob Minkin
They came in plaid. They came in voluminous pants and retina-searing tie dye, often as one outfit. They convened to celebrate a man known for his Woodstock quote but famous for his huge heart. Wavy Gravy’s birthday concert benefiting Seva was a good old-fashioned lovefest, brimming with soul. And bubbles.
Wavy and his wife Jahanara took in the show from the front row of San Francisco’s Herbst Theater. Seva co-founder Dr. Larry Brilliant emceed. Musician friends including Steve Earle, Maria Muldaur, and special guest Taj Mahal kept things jumping. Video greetings and anecdotes from a slew of Seva stalwarts played between acts.”He brings people together,” said Bonnie Raitt in her video, “He’s the Pied Piper of our generation.”
Indeed, Wavy Gravy has been uniting people through Seva. Judging from 900 guests at his birthday concert, he also brings people together just by being, well, Wavy Gravy.

One comment on “Call the Please Force!”
Thank you for that lovely night with everybody that should be there and with Larry brilliant leading I’m sure the charge to make sure that people that went backstage had a Covid test and the people that were in the audience had a mask. It was really safe and loving.I so appreciate you all and what you doing.
Can’t wait to upcoming seeing Wavy and his crew of millions Vickisa