Even in the middle of a global pandemic, millions of people around the world need access to basic eye care services. At Seva, we are grateful for your support and the hard work, dedication, and determination of our wonderful global partners who go the extra mile to ensure that underserved communities have the support they need – especially today, during this challenging time.
On June 21, 2020, our partner in Bangladesh – Ispahani Islamia Eye Institute and Hospital (IIEIH) ‘e-inaugurated’ a new eye clinic in Lalmohan supported by Seva. Lalmohan, located in the southern district of Barisal, had very few vision care resources to serve its almost 300,000 residents. As most of the population there earns a low income, the closest eye hospital, which is located 63 miles (102 Kms) away, becomes very difficult and costly to visit.
The newly-opened clinic is a Vision Center, a permanent facility that is equipped to meet up to 80% of all eye care needs and refer the cases in need of further intervention to a hospital. This Vision Center also creates employment for members of the local community – a vision technician, two community mobilizers, and a part-time cleaning staff member.
To minimize the spread of COVID-19, the inauguration was organized on a virtual platform. Although they could not be together in-person, key stakeholders, local leaders, and representatives from Seva and other organizations came together remotely to celebrate this joyous occasion. After the inauguration, the clinic opened its door for services, and patients began to show up almost immediately!
We and our partners couldn’t have done this without your support. Thanks to your generosity, even under the trying circumstances of an ongoing pandemic, our partners were able to bring critical vision care to hundreds of thousands of people in need.