Critical Eye Care Supplies Reach Ukraine

Photo of a Pristine 5.0 retina camera in Ukraine donated by Seva.
Photo of a Pristine 5.0 retina camera in Ukraine donated by Seva.

Since 2017, Seva has worked in Ukraine to address critical eye health needs, including preventing Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) in children – the leading cause of blindness among Ukrainian children – and treating CMV retinitis in patients with HIV/AIDS.

Despite challenges like supply chain disruptions, blackouts, and customs delays, we’re happy to share that we’ve delivered five critically needed cameras to our partners in Ukraine: three Pristine 5.0 retinal cameras that screen for CMV retinitis; two 3Nethra cameras that screen babies at risk for retinopathy of prematurity.

These devices enable faster diagnosis and ensure more patients receive the care and treatment they need – all thanks to your support!

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